User Role Permission Definitions

Modified on Thu, 21 Sep, 2023 at 1:36 PM

In this guide we will review the different permissions options and how each permission affects the level of access that yourself and your staff will have within your database. For additional questions or assistance with permissions, please reach out to our support team at and we can further review.

  1. Dashboard - This section controls access to the KPI features on the dashboard. When checked, the user will be able to see the corresponding widget upon signing in.

    1. Appointments - This will show the widget containing a chronological list of appointments for the entire clinic.

  1. Staff and Client Count - This will show an up to date tally of the total number of active staff and clients (note that the client number is the number of active clients, which affects the monthly subscription).

  1. Authorizations - Displays a list of client authorizations and their corresponding expiration dates.

  1. Staff Documents - Displays a list of staff document types and their corresponding expiration dates.

  1. OA Rejections - Displays a list of clearinghouse rejections, rejection codes, and a brief description of the rejection reason. Once the rejection is resubmitted, it will be cleared from this list.

  1. Scheduling Graphs - Allows access to a line graph for the total billable, non-billable, scheduled, and canceled hours on the schedule for a specified date range.

  1. Financial Graphs - Allows access to a selection of financial related graphs including Open A/R Expected Amounts, Open Claims by Status, Payments Collected, etc.

  1. Payer Denials - Allows access to a list of denials received from the funding source. This includes the claim ID, denial code and denial reason. Denials that are reprocessed will be removed from this list.

  1. Modify Signature Requirements on Session Notes - Allows access to change the signature requirements for completed session notes in the Settings Area

  1. Manage Users

    1. User List

      1. Add User - Allows for adding new staff/users to the system

  1. Edit User - Allows for editing the profiles of staff/users.

  1. Delete Users - Allows for deleting staff/user profiles

  1. Change Lock Status - Allows for locking and unlocking staff/user accounts (this allows the security questions to be reset)

  1. Add User - Allows for adding in additional staff accounts to your Theralytics Database. For more information on adding User information, please click here.

    1. Edit User Role - Allows users to make changes to the user role for your staff.

  1. View Admin Roles - Allows users to see and assign roles marked as Admin. 

  1. Documents

    1. Upload Document - Allows a user to upload staff documents

  1. Download Document - Allows a user to download staff documents to their local device

  1. Delete Document - Allows a user to remove a staff document.

  1. Profile Summary

    1. Edit User - Allows users to make changes to the profile summary for all staff members.

  1. Payroll Rate

    1. Update Payroll Rate - Change the Payroll information on the User Profile

    2. Edit Staff Username - Allows a user to change the username of a staff member after it has been set.

  1. Manage Clients

    1. Add Client - Allows a user to add new clients to the system. Please click here for more information about adding clients.

  1. Change Client Location Before Scheduling Appointments - Allows a user to update the location information on the Client Profile Summary.

  1. Client List - Allows a user to view the list of clients for any location they are assigned to.

  1. Profile Summary

    1. Activate Portal - Allows the user to to activate the Client portal, where clients can view upcoming appointment info and sign single or bulk session notes. For more information on setting up the client portal, please click here.

  1. Edit Client - Allows the user to edit the client profile summary.

  1. Change Active Status - Allows the user to activate/inactivate clients. This will affect the monthly charge, which is based on the highest number of active clients.

  1. Change Lock Status - Allows the user to toggle the locked/unlocked status for an account. Please be advised that locking an unlocked account will force that user to re-enter their security question answers next time they log in.

  1. Scheduling - Allows the user to view the scheduling section.

  1. Authorization

    1. Add Authorization - Allows the user to add new authorizations. For more information on adding and editing authorizations, please click here.

  1. Edit Authorization - Allows the user to make changes to existing authorizations.

  1. Delete Authorization - Allows the user to delete existing authorizations.

  1. Encounter

    1. View Encounter - Allows the user to view the encounter section and render sessions without creating a SOAP note.

  1. Documents    

    1. Upload Document - Allows the user to upload client documents. For more information on uploading and organizing documents, please click here.

    2. Download Document - Allows the user to download client documents to their local drive.

    3. Delete Document - Allows the user to delete client documents from the system. Once this is done, the documents cannot be recovered.

  1. Data Collection Setup - Allows a user to make changes to the domains, programs, and targets for a specific client.This area can be broken down by specific areas that a staff can access. For example, I can decide if I would like my staff to only be able to edit Skill Acquisition Targets, Behaviors, ABC Data, etc.


  1. Collect Data - Gives access to the ability to collect data on the active Goals/Targets and Behaviors for a client.

  1. Skill Acquisition Graphs - Allows access to generate Skill acquisition graphs for a client without having to navigate to Data Collection Setup.

  1. Behavior Graphs - Allows access to generate Behavior Data graphs for a client, without having to navigate to Data Collection Setup.

  1. Data Collection Graphs - Allows access to generate both the Skill acquisition and Behavior Graphs for a client.

  1. View Team Clients Only - Restricts a user to only being able to view clients that have been assigned to them on their staff profile, or the clients that have been assigned to other staff members on their team. You can view/change the assignment info by going to Manage User and editing the profile of a staff member

  2. Edit Client Username - Allows access to change the username that your clients use to sign into Theralytic’s Parent Portal. For information on how to set up the Parent Portal, please click here.

  1. Scheduling

    1. Appointments

      1. Add Scheduling - Allows access to add new appointments to the schedule.

      2. Edit Scheduling - Allows access to making changes to an existing appointment. This includes changing the appointment time. 

      3. Delete Scheduling - Allows the user to delete appointments from the schedule.

      4. Create SOAP - Allows user to create SOAP notes or Session notes. Anyone who will be creating session notes will need to have this permission. 

      5. View SOAP - Allows for viewing the SOAP notes or session notes.

      6. Create Own SOAP Note Only - Restricts the user to only being able to create SOAP notes for themselves.

      7. View Own SOAP Note Only - Restricts the user to only being able to view SOAP notes that are assigned to them.

      8. Add Service Code to SOAP - Allows users to add new service codes to an existing SOAP directly from the schedule. This will affect the claim that is billed.

      9. Delete Service Code to SOAP - Allows users to remove existing service codes from a SOAP note directly. This will affect the claim that is billed.

      10. View Client Schedules - Allows a user access to view the schedules for their assigned clients in the Schedule Area, and filter the schedule to display the calendars of clients they have access to.

      11. View Other Staff Schedules - Allows a user access to view the schedules of other staff members (if they only have access to assigned staff members, they will only be able to see those schedules).

      12. View Team Schedules - Will restrict users to only being able to see the schedules of staff members that they have been assigned to.

      13. Appointment Cancellation - Allows users to cancel appointments on their schedule. The system will require them to also enter a cancellation reason. All cancellations can be tracked via the Cancellation Report.

      14. Edit Appointment Time Only - Restricts staff so that they can only edit the appointment start and end time on their assigned appointments (if enabled, staff will also need to have the Edit Appointment permission enabled).

      15. Modify Appointment After Rendering - Allows staff to modify an appointment after it has been rendered (signatures applied and appointment completed). We recommend only enabling this for administrators or billers.

      16. Required Guardian Signature for Indirect Service - Will require a parent or guardian signature for any billable session marked as Indirect on the schedule.

      17. Practitioner Can Only Sign For Their Own Notes - Will restrict staff so that they can only add signatures for their own notes.

      18. Edit Appointment After Claim Submission - Allows staff to edit an appointment after it has been submitted to the clearinghouse. We recommend only enabling this for administrators or billers.

      19. Disable Appointment Editing - Removes the ability to edit any existing appointments for a staff when enabled.

      20. Lock Schedule Up To Specified Date - Allows users to lock the schedule so that new appointments cannot be scheduled prior to the lock date selected.

      21. Override Availability When Scheduling - Allows a user to schedule appointments regardless of the available times set on their own profile or other staff member’s profiles.

      22. View All Appointment Types (Override Appointment Type Role Restrictions) - Allows a user to see all appointment types that have been created in the system. This ignores any appointment type access rules that have been set for that appointment type. For more information, please click here.

  2. Clearing House

    1. Clearing House List - Please do not enable this permission for any user, our team uses this information to connect your database to your clearinghouse.

      1. Add Clearinghouse - Allows permission to add a new clearinghouse.

      2. Edit Clearinghouse - Allows for editing existing clearinghouse information.

      3. Delete Clearinghouse - Allows for deleting existing clearinghouses.

  3. Manage Payer

    1. Payer List - Allows access to view the list of payers added to your database.

      1. Add Payer - Allows for adding new payers to your database.

      2. Edit Payer - Allows for making changes to existing payers in your database.

      3. Delete Payer - Allows for deleting payers from your database

    2. Payer Activity - Editing permissions for the payer activity section when setting up a payer.

      1. Edit Session Note Type - Allows access to changing the session note type (Detailed vs Standard) associated with a billable service.

  1. Masters

Permissions for this area will allow for adding, editing, or deleting the various options for setting up your database. Please click here to view our breakdown of the Master’s area.

  1. Masters Data Collection - For more information on setting up the programs and targets for your clinic, please click here.

    1. Curriculum Libraries

      1. Add Curriculum Libraries - Allows for adding new curriculum libraries for your clinic.

      2. Edit Curriculum Libraries - Allows for editing the name for existing curriculum libraries.

      3. Delete Curriculum Libraries - Allows for deleting the existing curriculum libraries. Deleting a library will not delete it for clients that you have copied that library to, but it will prevent you from copying that library to additional clients.

    2. Maintenance Levels

      1. Add Maintenance Levels - Allows for adding new maintenance levels to the available list.

      2. Edit Maintenance Levels - Allows for editing existing maintenance levels.

      3. Delete Maintenance Levels - Allows for deleting maintenance levels.

    3. Prompt Codes

      1. Add Prompt Codes - Allows for adding new prompt codes that can then be copied to individual clients.

      2. Edit Prompt Codes - Allows for editing the available prompt codes for the entire clinic.

      3. Delete Prompt Codes - Allows for deleting the prompt codes that can be used by your clinic.

    4. Behavior Category

      1. Add Behavior Category - Allows for adding new behavior categories and their descriptions.

      2. Edit Behavior Category - Allows for editing behavior categories and their descriptions.

      3. Delete Behavior Category - Allows for deleting the behavior categories that are available to your clinic.


  1. Manage Appointments

    1. Appointments List - Allows for viewing the list of unrendered appointments (billable and non-billable) under the Manage Appointments tab.

      1. Bulk Render - Allows for rendering multiple sessions at once, for yourself or other staff.

      2. Bulk Cancellation - Allows for canceling multiple appointments for yourself or other staff. Canceled appointments will have to be reinstated from the schedule if needed.

  2. Logs

    1. Audit Logs - Allows users to see the list of actions performed within the database.

    2. Login Logs - Allows users to see a list of all logins and access locations for the database.

  3. Billing

    1.  Claims

      1. Ready To Bill -----> View SOAP - Allows users to view the SOAP note from the billing tab. 

        1. The session note can be viewed by clicking the “i” icon next to the claim ID

      2. Ready To Bill -----> Submit Claim - Allows access for submitting claims to the clearinghouse/payer using the Batch EDI Generation Button.

      3. Ready To Bill -----> Add Service Code - Allows users to add additional service codes to a claim directly from the Ready to Bill Area.

      4. Ready To Bill -----> Edit Service Code - Allows users to edit the service codes being billed from the Ready to Bill area.

      5. Ready To Bill -----> Delete Service Code - Allows for deleting the service code from a claim before it is submitted.

  1. Ready To Bill -----> Generate Batch EDI Claim - Generates the 837P file for the selected claim in a zip folder on the user’s local downloads folder.

  1. Ready To Bill -----> Submit Batch Non EDI Claim - Allows a user to “submit” claims for non-EDI payers in the database. Claims submitted this way will not be sent to the clearinghouse, but will appear as an outstanding claim on financial reports.

  1. Ready To Bill -----> Generate Batch Paper Claim - Allows users to generate a pdf version of the CMS 1500 form containing the selected claim information.

  1. Submitted -----> View SOAP - Allows users to view the SOAP note for submitted claims by clicking the “i” icon in the submitted claims area.

  1. Submitted -----> Resubmit Claim - Allows users to resubmit claims with a resubmission reason from the submitted claims area.

  1. Submitted -----> Edit Service Code - Allows users to edit the service code information (units, location, etc) on a submitted claim.

  1. Submitted -----> Generate Batch EDI CLaim - Allows users to generate the 837P file for the selected submitted claim, with the resubmission code information.

  1. EDI Response -----> Submit Claim To Secondary Payer - Allows for submitting claims to a secondary payer once the primary payment information has been received or entered.

  1. EDI Response -----> Generate Batch EDI CLaim For Secondary Payer - Allows for generation the 837P file with the secondary payer information filled out.

  1. Apply Payments - Allows full access for applying manual payments and adjustments to outstanding claims. Please click here to review our guide on Applying Payments.

  2. Payments Ledger - Allows full access for viewing claim payment information, including payment amounts and adjustments and also allows for adding additional payment line items to claims.

  1. Reports

Please click here to view our Summary of Reports article.

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